26 Velociraptor Coloring Pages (Free Printable PDFs)
Looking for free velociraptor coloring pages? Find hundreds of dinosaur pictures, from diplodocus to t-rex. Print your favorites & start coloring today!
Looking for free velociraptor coloring pages? Find hundreds of dinosaur pictures, from diplodocus to t-rex. Print your favorites & start coloring today!
Please enjoy our free printable Velociraptor coloring pages for kids. These free printable coloring sheets come in a PDF format and feature a wide range of Velociraptor pictures. They range from easy Velociraptor coloring pages for toddlers to more difficult raptor pictures for older boys and girls. We hope they provide hours of coloring fun for your toddlers, kids, boys and girls! If you haven't found what you're looking for here, please check out our complete range of dinosaur coloring pages, fun velociraptor facts and our dinosaurs coloring book!
The name Velociraptor means 'Speedy Thief' in Latin. 'Speedy' because the Velociraptor could run quickly. 'Thief' because Velociraptor ate other dinosaurs and could steal their eggs and their children.
The Velociraptor could run 25 miles per hour (40 kilometers per hour) which is faster than the fastest Olympic sprinter. The world's fastest land animal, the Cheetah, can run 3 times as fast! Now that's speedy!
The Velociraptor had small feathers on its body and bigger feathers on its wing-like arms, but still couldn't fly. Scientists think the feathers helped the Velociraptor keep warm and attract mates.
Films like Jurassic World show the Velociraptor as the same height as a grown up, but that's not true. In reality Velociraptors would have only grown to 50cm tall (1 foot 8 inches), so around the height of a grown ups knee caps!
Velociraptors could reach lengths of 2m long (6 feet 7 inches), but most of that length was their long bony tail. Velociraptors could use their tail for balance when they were running or standing on 1 leg.
Velociraptors were the size of a turkey or a small dog. The images of Velociraptors we see in the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World films were actually based on a bigger relative called the Deinonychus.
The Velociraptor had 3 forward facing toes on each foot. One of the toes had a long hook shaped claw at the end which the Velociraptor could use to attack other dinosaurs or pin them to the ground.
Even though we know from fossilized skeletons that the Velociraptor had 3 toes, only 2 toes are visible in footprints! That's because when it ran the Velociraptor held its large claw above the ground to keep it sharp.
Just like sharks and alligators today, the Velociraptor continually grew new teeth throughout its life to replace those lost in fights!
The Velociraptor weighed about the same as a turkey, so 6 big Velociraptors would weigh the same as 1 grown-up man! And it could take 470 Velociraptors to weigh the same as 1 T-Rex. Now that's heavy!
For a long time scientists thought the Velociraptor was scaly like a lizard. Then one day a scientist examined a Velociraptor fossil with a 'quill knob' on its arm bones. Quill knobs are how feathers are attached to the body.
Scientists have discovered an amazing fossil called Mongolian Fighting Dinosaurs with a Velociraptor in the middle of a fight with a Protoceratops, which is a horned dinosaur in the same family as the Triceratops.
Scientists think that the Velociraptor hunted alone and not in packs. The Velociraptor's diet changed as it got older because as it grew it could kill larger animals. Animals that hunt in packs eat the same food at all ages.
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